Founders Report
I am delighted to report that during March of this year, 2023, we have acquired the Domain name severnbarrage.com and along with the Severn Lake Co. Ltd we are well placed to strengthen and continue our lobbying of HM Government in our quest to get Tidal Power Plants online in the UK.
Since my last report in 2022 and the energy crises brought about by the Ukraine / Russia war, Tidal Power has moved quickly up the agenda.
There are now many small Tidal submersed turbines producing power in the UK in the marine environment. It is my belief that the time comes closer to considering large scale Tidal Power captures and we are looking to contact all interested parties including financial investment institutions to fund Tidal Power.
Within these pages, we have shown attention to detail, potential funding, developers, bad decisions and the prize of the big picture. We are currently looking at figures that point to the possibility that nine or more large scale Tidal Power Plants could produce 50% of the UK requirements well within the Government’s target of 2050.
We can report breaking news on ‘Wales-on-line’ that the Welsh Assembly Government have announced that they will be funding tidal power research to the tune of £750,000 to have a serious look at the tidal potential in Wales.
It should be noted that major energy projects should be decided in Westminster as they are not devolved to the Welsh Assembly Government. However!
Let’s do it!
Gareth Woodham
Founder of the Severn Lake 2023.